Community Engagement Events

With funding from the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, offshore wind energy community engagement events were held at all three Rutgers campuses: Camden, New Brunswick, and Newark. These in-person events were instrumental in building community surrounding offshore wind energy across the state.
On May 2, 2023, approximately 50 community members from academia, government, nonprofit organizations, and industry came together to discuss the challenges facing offshore wind energy in southern New Jersey. The event was held at the Rutgers-Camden Campus Center.
- Agenda
- Presentations:
- Exploring Workforce Opportunities in the Emerging Offshore Wind Industry by Margaret Brennan-Tonetta, Rutgers University
- Click here for the report summarizing the group discussions.
- Photo Album:
Donna Nickitas, Rutgers-Camden Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, welcomes the attendees. Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Co-chair of the Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative, provides opening remarks. Tolu Omodara, Rutgers-Camden MS/PhD student, presents her work in offshore wind energy. Stephen Danley, Director of the Center for Urban Research and Education and Associate Professor of Public Practice, participates in the round table discussions. Attendees at the Rutgers-Camden Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement event. Tolu Omodara, Rutgers-Camden MS/PhD student, participates in the round table discussions. -
On January 12, 2024, the New Jersey Academic Alliance for Offshore Wind Energy (A2OSW) Symposium was held at Rutgers-New Brunswick. With over 120 attendees, the event brought together the ten A2OSW academic institutions and their partners. The event was held at the Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering on Busch campus.
- Agenda
- Presentations:
- An Overview of the New Jersey Academic Alliance for Offshore Wind Energy by Josh Kohut, Rutgers University
- NJEDA Wind Institute Fellowship Program by Aina Yadav, NJEDA
- RU Wind Collegiate Wind Competition by Anjali Viswanathan and Saranya Guttikonda, Rutgers University
- RU POWER Collegiate Wind Competition by Katherine Moreira and Zachary Soricelli, Rutgers University
- Marine Technology Society, New Jersey Student Section by Joe Gradone, Rutgers University
- Click here for the report summarizing the group discussions.
- News Articles:
- Student Posters: Thank you to the following students for presenting their posters regarding their offshore wind energy work at the Symposium. Click here for a printable list of the poster titles.
- Rojyar Berhemat – Rowan University – Structural Health Monitoring and Condition Assessment for Offshore Wind Turbines
- Michelle Hernandez – New Jersey Institute of Technology – Optimizing Wind Power Generation: Developing a Digital Twin for Real-Time Monitoring and Analysis
- Riya Karande – New Jersey Institute of Technology – IoT Sensing Platform for Remote Monitoring and Real-Time Data Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Mohammad Katibeh – Rutgers University – Design Optimization of Wind Turbine Blades with Morphing Surfaces
- Yiming Liu – Stevens Institute of Technology – Robot-based damage inspection for offshore wind turbines
- Suresh Mahadevan – Atlantic Cape Community College – (Poster title forthcoming)
- Fatemah Mohammadi Ghahsareh – Stevens Institute of Technology – Application of UHPC for offshore wind turbines
- Katherine Moreira – Rutgers University – Rutgers University DOE Marine Energy Collegiate Competition Team
- Anjali Viswanathan – Rutgers University – Rutgers University Collegiate Wind Competition Team’s Design of an Offshore Wind Turbine
- Zhuzhu Wang – Stevens Institute of Technology – Coordinated Control of MMC-HVDC Integrated Offshore Wind Farms via Automatic Clustering for Power System Frequency Support
- Patrick Wilk – Rowan University – Proactive Production Forecasting to Support Offshore Wind
- Hannah Hata Williams – Princeton University – How much do waves matter in an offshore wind farm?
- Ali Zabihi – Rowan University – Non-contact condition monitoring of wind turbines using laser vibrometers
- Jimiao Zhang – Rowan University – Dynamic Modeling and Grid-Forming Control of PMSG-Based Wind Energy Conversion Systems
- Panelists: Thank you to the following experts for serving as panelists at the Symposium.
- Environmental Impact and Climate-smart Modeling:
Julie Lockwood, Interim Director, Institute of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources
Rutgers University-New Brunswick 848-932-9336
Area of Expertise: Wildlife conservation; invasive species
Pankaj Lal, Professor and Director, Clean Energy and Sustainability Analytics Center
Montclair State University 973-655-3137 and 973-655-3978
Area of Expertise: Energy sustainability and economics, energy analytics, industrial ecology, energy modeling and policy
Michael Mueller, Professor and Associate Chair, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University 609-258-5191
Area of Expertise: Fluid mechanics, propulsion and energy sciences
- Design and Operations:
Ahmed Aziz Ezzat, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Rutgers University-New Brunswick 848-445-3625
Area of Expertise: AI/ML for renewable energy forecasting and operations, asset & system prognostics and diagnostics, operations & maintenance, operations research and engineering
Muhammad Hajj, Chair, Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering, Director, Davidson Laboratory, and George Meade Bond Professor
Stevens Institute of Technology 201-216-8336
Area of Expertise: Nonlinear dynamics, fluid mechanics, structural dynamics, and fluid-structure interactions with applications in aero- and hydro-elasticity, ships hydrodynamics, biomimetically-inspired air and underwater vehicles, and energy harvesting
Yi Bao, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology 201-216-5223
Area of Expertise: Structural health monitoring and condition assessment; AI-powered smart sensors; fiber optic sensors; wireless sensors; machine learning; coastal infrastructure
Behrad Koohbor, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Rowan University 856-256-5328
Area of Expertise: Composites, additive manufacturing
- Electricity Transmission and Storage:
Zhimin Xi, Associate Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering
Rutgers University-New Brunswick 848-445-3657
Area of Expertise: Design for reliability and the applications for reliable autonomous vehicles/robots, lithium-ion batteries, and additive manufacturing
Philip Pong, Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director, Green Technology Research and Training Laboratory, Sensor Research Laboratory
New Jersey Institute of Technology 973-596-3533
Area of Expertise: Development and application of advanced sensing techniques based on electromagnetic sensors in smart grid, non-contact sensing, sensors for cyber-physical systems
Lei Wu, Anson Wood Burchard Chair Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology 201-216-8066
Area of Expertise: Power and energy system optimization and control
- Workforce Development:
Sherwood Taylor, Senior Director, Workforce Development
Atlantic Cape Community College 609-343-4816
Area of Expertise: Workforce development
Robert Bullard, Director, Office of Career Advancement
Rowan University 856-256-4456
Area of Expertise: Workforce development
Jacalyn Toth Sullivan, Adjunct Professor of Marine Science and Marine Mammal Biologist
Stockton University
Area of Expertise: Marine mammal ecology, population dynamics, and long-term population monitoring, with a focus on seasonal cetaceans and pinnipeds in New Jersey.
- Community Engagement:
Karl Vilacoba, Communications Director, Monmouth University Urban Coast Institute
Monmouth University 732-571-3688
Area of Expertise: Project manager for the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal
Sean Duffy, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Rutgers University-Camden 856-225-6204
Area of Expertise: Environmental psychology
Yashwant Sinha, Instructor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Rowan University 856-256-5322
Area of Expertise: Offshore wind energy community engagement
- Photo Album:
Peggy Brennan-Tonetta, Co-chair of the Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative, provides opening remarks. Denise Hien, Senior Vice Provost for Research at Rutgers University, provides opening remarks. Jen Becker, Vice President of Offshore Wind at the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, provides opening remarks. Josh Kohut, Co-chair of the Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative, provides an overview of the NJ Academic Alliance for Offshore Wind Energy. Experts participate in panel discussion to identify the challenges and research opportunities for the New Jersey Academic Alliance for Offshore Wind Energy. Experts participate in panel discussion to identify the challenges and opportunities as it pertains to workforce development and community engagement for the New Jersey Academic Alliance for Offshore Wind Energy. Aina Yadav, Project Officer for the New Jersey Economic Development Authority’s Wind Institute provides an overview of the NJEDA Wind Institute Fellowship Program. Anjali Viswanathan and Saranya Guttikonda provide an overview of the RUWIND collegiate wind competition. Zachary Soricelli and Katherine Moreira provide an overview of the RUPOWER collegiate wind competition. -
On January 26, 2024 approximately 50 community members from academia, government, nonprofit organizations, and industry came together to discuss the business of offshore wind energy. The event was held at the Rutgers-Newark Business School.
- Agenda
- Presentations:
- Click here for the report summarizing the group discussions.
- Panelists: Thank you to the following experts for serving as panelists.
Dr. Mamie S. Tolbert, President-elect, New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners
CEO, MST Mediation Solutions LLC 732-415-7398
Area of Expertise: Business development, community engagement, mediation
Eric C. Henry, Head, Regulatory and External Affairs
Bluepoint Wind 646-748-7411
Area of Expertise: Government and community affairs, coalition building, policy and advocacy
Favio German, Community Engagement Manager
Attentive Energy
Area of Expertise: Community engagement, workforce development, nonprofit management
Sahil Jain, Director, Strategy & Partnerships
Area of Expertise: Innovation strategy, design thinking, business development, strategic partnerships
- Photo Album:
(left to right) Mamie S. Tolbert, Eric C. Henry, Fabio German and Sahil Jain comprised the panel during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Eric C. Henry, of Bluepoint Wind, speaks during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Sahil Jain, of Newlab, speaks during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Favio German, of Attentive Energy, speaks during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Eric C. Henry, of Bluepoint Wind, speaks during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Mamie S. Tolbert, of the New Jersey Association of Women Business Owners and MST Mediation Solutions, speaks during the panel during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024(left to right) Mamie S. Tolbert, Eric C. Henry, Favio German and Sahil Jain comprised the panel discussion during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024During the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024During the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024During the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Jeffrey Robinson, provost and executive vice chancellor of Rutgers-Newark, speaks during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community s Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024Students, professors and professionals from the Offshore Wind community work together in report out sessions during the Rutgers-Newark Offshore Wind Energy Community Engagement Event at Rutgers Business School in Newark.
Credit: Amanda Brown Photography
January 26, 2024