Research Highlights
The Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative members are involved in a variety of research projects. Below is a listing of recent publications and presentations as well as the physical assets that are currently being used for offshore wind energy research.
(Listed in reverse chronological order)
Horwitz, R., T. N. Miles, D. Munroe and J. Kohut 2023. Overlap between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Energy Areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
Wang, L., Bergua, R., Robertson, A., Jonkman, J., Ngo, T., Das, T., Sarker, D., Fabregas Flavia, F., Harries, R., Fowler, M., Lenfest, E., López Muro, J., Burlion, L., and Bilgen, O., 2023, Experimental validation of models of a hull-based tuned mass damper system for a semisubmersible floating offshore wind turbine platform, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. [in press]
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Potential Hydrodynamic Impacts of Offshore Wind Energy on Nantucket Shoals Regional Ecology: An Evaluation from Wind to Whales. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Miles, T., Munroe, D., Kohut, J., Perry, R., Dameron, T., Hogan, F., Johnston, L., Draher, J., Hooker, B., Jensen, B. 2023. Interactions of Offshore Wind on Oceanographic Processes, In: Fisheries and Offshore Wind Interactions: Synthesis of Science. Editors: Hogan, F., Hooker, B., Jensen, B., Johnston, L., Lipsky, A., Methratta, E., Silva, A., Hawkins, A. NOAA technical memorandum NMFS-NE-291 388 pp.
Stromp, S., Scheld, A., Klinck, J., Munroe, D., Powell, E., Mann, R., Borsetti, S., Hofmann, E. 2023. Interactive effects of climate change-induced range shifts and wind energy development on future economic conditions of the Atlantic surfclam fishery. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 15(2): e10232
Rutgers Offshore Wind Energy Collaborative (2023), Q&A on Recent Whale Strandings and Offshore Wind Energy Development.
Borsetti, S., D. Munroe, A. Scheld, E. Powell, J. Klinck, and E. Hofmann (2023), Potential repercussions of offshore wind energy development in the northeast United States for the Atlantic surfclam survey and population assessment. Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science, 15:e10228, DOI:10.1002/mcf2.10228
P. Papadopoulos, F. Fallahi, M. Yildirim, Aziz Ezzat, “Joint Optimization of Production and Maintenance in Offshore Wind Farms: Balancing the Short-and Long-Term Needs of Wind Energy Operation,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, Accepted, 2023, Link:
F. Ye, T. Miles, Aziz Ezzat, “Ultra-Short-Term Probabilistic Wind Forecasting: Can Numerical Weather Predictions Help?,” Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting, 2023, Link:
P. Nasery, Aziz Ezzat, “Yaw-adjusted wind power curve modeling: A local regression approach,” Renewable Energy, 202 (2023): 1368-1376, 2023, Link:
J. Lopez Muro, J. -P. Condomines, O. Bilgen and L. Burlion, “Control-Oriented Modeling of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine,” 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), Bridgetown, Barbados, 2023, pp. 208-213, DOI:10.1109/CCTA54093.2023.10252573.
Yu Tu, Kai Zhang, Zhaolong Han, Dai Zhou, Onur Bilgen, 2023, “Aerodynamic characterization of two tandem wind turbines under yaw misalignment control using actuator line model,” Ocean Engineering, Volume 281, pp. 114992. ISSN 0029-8018.
P. Papadopoulos, D. Coit, Aziz Ezzat, “STOCHOS: Stochastic Opportunistic Maintenance in Offshore Wind Farms,” IISE Transactions, 2022, Link:
Scheld, A., Gilsinan, C., Borsetti, S., Munroe, D. 2022. What hatchery capacity would be needed to support surfclam fishery mitigation via seeding fishing grounds? Report to the SCEMFIS IAB. July, 2022.
Munroe, D.M., Powell, E.N., Klinck, J.M., Scheld, A.M., Borsetti, S., Hofmann, E.E. 2022. Understanding Economic Impacts to the Commercial Surfclam Fishing Industry from Offshore Wind Energy Development. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. OCS Study BOEM 2022-065. 61 p.
Horwitz, R., T. N. Miles, D. Munroe and J. Kohut, 2022. Investigating the Overlap Between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Lease Areas. OCEANS 2022, Hampton Roads, 2022, pp. 1-6, DOI: 10.1109/OCEANS47191.2022.9977050
Munroe, D., Powell, E.N., Klinck, J.M., Scheld, A., Borsetti, S., Beckensteiner, J., Hofmann, E.E. 2022. The Atlantic surfclam fishery and offshore wind energy development: 1. Model development and verification. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(6): 1787–1800. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac108
Scheld, A., Beckensteiner, J., Munroe, D., Powell, E.N., Borsetti, S., Hofmann, E.E., Klinck, J.M. 2022. The Atlantic surfclam fishery and offshore wind energy development: Assessing economic impacts. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(6): 1801–1814. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsac109
Erol, M., Shan, X., and Bilgen, O., 2022, “An Equivalent Circuit Model for The Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept,” ASME 2022 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS2022), Dearborn, Michigan, September 12 – 14, 2022, SMASIS2020-91270.
Bilgen, O., Wang, R., Cao, Y., Erol, N., and Shan, X., 2022, “A Reconfigurable Ducted Turbine Array Concept for Renewable Flow Energy Harvesting,” AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, January 3-7, 2022.
Muro, J. L., Du, X., Condomines, J., Bilgen, O., and Burlion, L., 2022, “Wind Turbine Tower Thickness and Blade Pitch Control Co-Design Optimization, AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, January 3-7, 2022.
Zhang, K., Shah, B., and Bilgen, O., 2022,” Low-Reynolds-number aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils with piezocomposite trailing control surfaces,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 60, No. 4.
P. Papadopoulos, D. Coit, A. Ezzat, “Seizing Opportunity: Maintenance Optimization in Offshore Wind Farms Considering Accessibility, Production, and Crew Dispatch,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 13(1), 111 – 121, 2021, Link:
B. Golparvar, P. Papadopoulos, Aziz Ezzat, R. Wang, “A Surrogate-model-based Approach for Estimating the First and Second-order Moments of Offshore Wind Power,” Applied Energy, 299, 117286, 2021, Link:
Miles, T., S. Murphy, J. Kohut, S. Borsetti, and D. Munroe (2021), Offshore wind energy and the mid-atlantic cold pool: A review of potential interactions, Mar. Technol. Soc. J., 55(4), 72–87, DOI:10.4031/MTSJ.55.4.8
Brodie, J., Kohut, J., Zemeckis, D. 2021. Partners in Science Workshop: Identifying Ecological Metrics and Sampling Strategies for Baseline Monitoring During Offshore Wind Development.
Optis, M., Kumler, A., Brodie, J., Miles, T. (Feb 2021). Quantifying sensitivity in numerical weather prediction‐modeled offshore wind speeds through an ensemble modeling approach. Wind Energy. DOI: 10.1002/we.2611
Hugh Roarty, Scott Glenn, Joseph Brodie, Laura Nazzaro, Michael Smith, Ethan Handel, Josh Kohut et al. “Annual and seasonal surface circulation over the Mid‐Atlantic Bight Continental Shelf derived from a decade of High Frequency Radar observations.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 125, no. 11 (2020): e2020JC016368.
Literature Review: Miles, T., Murphy, S., Kohut, J., Borsetti, S., Munroe, D. Dec. 2020. Could federal wind farms influence continental shelf oceanography and alter associated ecological processes? Science Center for Marine Fisheries.
Validation of RU-WRF, the Custom Atmospheric Mesoscale Model of the Rutgers Center for Ocean Observing Leadership. 2020. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. NREL/TP-5000-75209
Greg Seroka, Erick Fredj, and Rich Dunk. March 2020. Analysis of Sea Breeze Types Using WRF and Lagrangian Methods: Update Using RU-WRF Configuration AquaWind, LLC
Zhang, K., and Bilgen, O., 2020, “Multi-Fidelity Aerodynamic Modeling of A Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Rotor,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2020), November 15-19, 2020, Virtual.
Yaghmaie, R., and Bilgen, O., 2020, “High-Fidelity Structural Analysis of A 10 MW Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Rotor Blade,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2020), November 15-19, 2020, Virtual.
Du, X., Burlion, L, and Bilgen, O., 2020, “Control Co-Design for Rotor Blades of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2020), November 15-19, 2020, Virtual.
Bilgen, O., Martins, J.R.R.A., Ning, A., Burlion, L., Platt, A. et al., 2020, “A Computationally Efficient Control Co-Design Optimization Framework for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines,” Remote/Online Poster Presentation, American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) CLEANPOWER 2020 Conference, June 1-4, 2020, Virtual.
Josh Kohut, Joseph Brodie, Final Report on Partners in Science Workshop: Offshore Wind and the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool, July 2019.
Archer, C. L., Wu, S., Vasel-Be-Hagh, A., Brodie, J.F., Delgado,, R., St. Pe, A., Oncley, S., Semmer, S. 2019. The VERTEX field campaign : observations of near-ground effects of wind turbine wakes. Journal of Turbulence.
St. Pé, A., M. Sperling, J. F. Brodie, and R. Delgado. 2018. Classifying rotor-layer wind to reduce offshore available power uncertainty. Wind Energy. DOI: 10.1002/we.2159.
Veron, D. E., Brodie, J.F., Shirazi, Y.A., Gilchrist, J.R. 2018. Modeling the electrical grid impact of wind ramp-up forecasting error offshore in the Mid-Atlantic region. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 10(1):013308. DOI: 10.1063/1.4990684.
Sun, X., Dai, Q., and Bilgen, O., 2018, “Design and Simulation of Macro-Fiber Composite Based Serrated Microflap for Wind Turbine Blade Fatigue Load Reduction,” Materials Research Express, IOP, Vol. 5, No. 5, 055505. DOI: 10.1088/2053-1591/aac318.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Ryan Scully Fisheries Monitoring Plan for Ocean Wind 1: A Plan Overview and Acoustic Telemetry Surveying Co-authors: Thomas Grothues, Keith Dunton, and Chase Wunder
Abstract: Much of the New Jersey continental shelf consists of unconsolidated sediments that provide seasonal habitat to many migratory fish species. A prominent structural feature is the connection with numerous estuarine inlets. These provide highly productive and seasonally warm growth habitats. The relative contribution of these estuaries and shelf habitat to residence period in this region has not been quantified. Stakeholders are concerned that these connections may be impacted by infrastructure from planned offshore wind farms. We are telemetering estuarine-dependent or facultative fish species and horseshoe crabs to examine life history patterns of ocean-estuary connection. Fixed hydrophones (VR2W) monitor all estuarine inlets from Belmar to Cape May. Mobile hydrophones on vessels, deployed traps, and submersible gliders episodically monitor coastal waters. All hydrophones have detected fish passage, including those tagged by our own program (primarily summer flounder, Paralichthys dentatus, and smooth dogfish, Mustelus canis) and many tagged by other researchers and programs. Summary data on the distribution and timing of passage will be shown. Collaboration with other telemetry efforts through the Mid-Atlantic Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (MATOS) and The Atlantic Cooperative Telemetry Network (ACT) is important to a thorough understanding of this connection. To date 60,755 tag detections have been made on 16 receivers. 104 independent acoustic tags have been identified. The Little Egg Inlet hydrophone location has had the most detections. The hydrophone array shows multiple estuary use among tagged fish. Further sampling and analyses of hydrophone detections will help clarify migration patterns between inlets and continental shelf habitats.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Daphne Munroe Surveys and Experiments for Monitoring Surfclams at Offshore Wind Projects Co-authors: Jason Morson and Grace Saba
Abstract: The Atlantic surfclam fishery has been identified among the most exposed to impacts from offshore wind energy development due to potential displacement from fishing grounds that overlap with wind lease areas. These vulnerabilities underscore the need to include surfclam surveys in wind energy fishery monitoring plans. A survey tool that samples over a relatively large area and that consistently catches large-bodied clams is needed to accurately estimate biomass, abundance, and size structure of the commercially valuable surfclam stock. In this project, a scientific sampling dredge designed to catch a breadth of sizes of surfclams and to survey within wind lease areas was constructed and used to survey surfclams at an offshore wind lease location. Surveys of wind lease areas are designed as a before-after-control impact study that will continue annually through the construction of the wind farm. Additional experiments are underway to quantify the selectivity and efficiency of the scientific dredge. These experiments will be conducted on the continental shelf off New Jersey; habitats that are subject to ocean acidification and warming water conditions, environmental stressors to which surfclams are sensitive. A major gap in ocean acidification research is co-located environmental and biological response monitoring; therefore, simultaneous measurements of surfclam biological response indicators (e.g., abundance, size, growth, shell strength, condition index) will be measured in coordination with carbonate chemistry observations in the field. These coordinated survey programs will enhance understanding of how important fisheries resources may be impacted by construction of offshore wind projects and future environmental conditions.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Jason Morson Fisheries Monitoring of an Offshore Windfarm: Bottom Trawl Survey Co-author: Douglas Zemeckis
Abstract: It is critical that fishery monitoring plans (FMPs) are established to evaluate the impacts of offshore wind development on natural resources. In 2024, construction is scheduled to begin for an 1,100 MW windfarm located approximately 24 km east of Atlantic City, New Jersey. Our team is implementing a comprehensive FMP at this wind farm using several different extractive and non-extractive fisheries surveying methods. This talk will focus on one of the extractive methods, a bottom trawl survey, that will be used primarily to evaluate the impact of wind farm construction and operation on fish assemblage and abundance. Our team will conduct a before-after-control-impact experiment by trawling seasonally for six years within the wind farm and at a nearby control location of similar size and habitat characteristics. Pre-construction trawling will occur for up to two years and will provide comprehensive baseline data on fish assemblage and abundance. Trawling will then continue for two additional years while the wind farm is being constructed and for two years after construction of the wind farm is complete. A pilot bottom trawl study conducted at a similar lease site suggested a sample intensity of 1 tow/15 km2 would provide the statistical power adequate to detect moderate to large effect size for several economically important species in the region. Therefore, we plan to conduct twenty tows within the wind lease area and twenty tows at the control site during each sampling season. In this presentation we discuss the design of this survey and some potential paths for integrating wind farm fisheries monitoring data like this with longer-term, regional-scale fishery dependent survey data.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Douglas Zemeckis Fisheries Monitoring of an Offshore Wind Farm: Structured Habitat Survey Abstract: Fishery monitoring plans (FMP) are critical for evaluating potential impacts of offshore wind development on natural resources. A comprehensive FMP for Orsted’s Ocean Wind 1 windfarm off New Jersey has been developed using several different extractive (bottom trawl, trap, hook-and-line, surfclam dredge, acoustic tagging) and non-extractive (eDNA, baited remote underwater video, towed camera, autonomous gliders) fisheries surveying methods. Surveying will occur for six years (2022-2028) with two years of surveying planned for before, during, and after windfarm construction. Our Structured Habitat Survey (SHS) was designed to evaluate the impact of windfarm construction on species typically associated with structured habitats. This survey simultaneously deploys two extractive gears, Chevron traps and hook-and-line, and one non-extractive gear, which includes both benthic and pelagic baited remote underwater videos (BRUVs). Survey stations include impact sites within the windfarm at locations where turbines will be constructed, control “phantom” turbine sites that will remain sand habitat, and control shipwreck sites which will remain structured habitat. Seasonal surveying (six days/season: winter, spring, summer, and fall) will permit evaluation of seasonal variability. Catch-per-unit-effort data will be calculated from the trap and hook-and-line sampling to investigate changes in relative abundance of species important to commercial and recreational fisheries. Similarly, video footage from BRUV deployments will be analyzed to derive measures of relative abundance and efforts are ongoing to develop statistically robust subsampling methods of video footage. Results from this survey will permit evaluation of the impacts of windfarm construction on fisheries resources off southern New Jersey and inform surveying methods employed for FMPs at other windfarms.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Sean Duffy The Psychological Dimensions of Offshore Wind Abstract: This presentation will discuss a case study that uses adoption of wind energy to examine psychological dimensions that affect the way people think, act, and behave with respect to climate change and sustainable technology. Drawing upon recent empirical research in the field of environmental psychology, it will focus on specific issues associated with the use of wind energy – including concerns about the aesthetics of windmills on the natural environment, about the perceived effects of offshore wind farms on coastal economies, and controversial claims about the effect of wind turbine infrastructure on avian and marine life. The case study will be to inform students about how human psychology affects how people think about this new technology specifically and more broadly about how psychology can help promote the adoption of sustainable practices that ultimately may play a crucial role in slowing, halting, and reversing the effects of climate change.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Onur Bilgen Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Mixed-Fidelity Multidisciplinary Control Co-design Optimization Framework Abstract: This presentation will introduce a mixed-fidelity multidisciplinary control co-design optimization framework for floating offshore wind turbines. The computational framework, called OpenTurbineCoDe, is designed to integrate, where possible, traditional structural, aerodynamic, aeroelastic models (e.g., OpenFAST) and advanced control algorithms with higher fidelity simulation tools including Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) solvers, and three-dimensional structural finite element solvers. All the high-fidelity tools used in this research provide numerically exact gradients to facilitate both efficient optimization and local linearization for control implementation. This research is supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Aerodynamic Turbines Lighter and Afloat with Nautical Technologies and Integrated Servo-control (ATLANTIS) Program award DE-AR0001186 entitled “Computationally Efficient Control Co-Design Optimization Framework with Mixed-Fidelity Fluid and Structure Analysis.”
The goal of the ARPA-E ATLANTIS Program is to develop new technologies for floating offshore wind turbines, or wind farms, using the discipline of control co-design (CCD). In this context, we developed a computationally efficient optimization framework for design of floating offshore wind turbines. Our specific aim is to utilize high-fidelity structural, aerodynamic, aero-structural tools, and to derive control-oriented reduced- or low-order models directly from the high-fidelity tools. We are utilizing a mixed-fidelity modeling approach which means that we are also using low- and mid-fidelity tools when necessary. This research is conducted by a multidisciplinary team consisting of Rutgers University, University of Michigan, Brigham Young University, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Laurent Burlion Advanced Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Abstract: This presentation will briefly describe the control methods traditionally used to extract wind energy power using a bottom-fixed wind turbine. Next, we will discuss the control challenges posed by offshore wind turbines and our current research efforts. Finally, we will discuss the robust constrained control methods recently implemented in our computational framework, called OpenTurbineCoDe. This research is supported by the Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) Aerodynamic Turbines Lighter and Afloat with Nautical Technologies and Integrated Servo-control (ATLANTIS) Program award DE-AR0001186 entitled “Computationally Efficient Control Co-Design Optimization Framework with Mixed-Fidelity Fluid and Structure Analysis.”
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Todd Vachon The Offshore Wind Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities Abstract: The development of the offshore wind industry in New Jersey and throughout the region offers many exciting opportunities, but also poses challenges for employers, worker organizations, and educational institutions. What is the projected mix of job skills needed for designing, constructing, and operating an OSW industry in New Jersey? How do those labor demands match with the current labor supply? And how can the new job opportunities serve to reduce inequality, particularly for historically marginalized groups? These questions and more will be explored in this descriptive analysis of the NJ workforce and job projections for the nascent OSW industry.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Richard E. Riman Renewable Materials for the Next Wave of Renewable Wind Energy Abstract: A wind energy generator requires millions of dollars of materials. Every material used in its construction requires a large amount of energy to manufacture, resulting in large sums of carbon dioxide emissions. The amount of CO2 generated with current manufacturing methods is comparable to the amount of CO2 avoided by this form of electricity generated over its 10-year lifespan. Furthermore, most of the materials are not recyclable. In addition, some materials may not be available in the quantities required to build all the generators currently planned for installation over the next 10 years. Many of the materials, such as rare-earth-based magnets, are required in quantities that far exceed the amounts that can be recovered from today’s mineral sources. When such materials are scarce, their cost goes up and producers use the most productive but highly polluting methodologies. Even noncritical materials, such as concrete, are produced with environmentally destructive methods that are responsible for close to 10% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This lightning talk will highlight my team’s efforts to create manufacturing methods that avoid the pitfalls of current manufacturing practices.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Richard Lathrop Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal Abstract: The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) was established in 2009 to enhance the vitality of the region’s ocean ecosystem and economy. One of MARCO’s first action items was the development of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal (ODP) to serve as an on-line platform to engage stakeholders across the region with the objective of improving their understanding of how ocean resources and places are being used, managed, and conserved. A key component is the Marine Planner, an interactive map-based visualization and decision support tool. The MARCO ODP is a publicly accessible resource that consolidates available data and enables agencies, industry, community leaders, and ocean users to visualize and analyze ocean resources and human use information such as fishing grounds, recreational areas, marine wildlife and habitats, shipping lanes, and energy sites, among others. Over the past decade, the MARCO states have applied the ODP as a means to break down silos among decision-makers, to facilitate a step back and to enable a “big picture” of their ocean and the potential implications of coastal decisions and policies. More recently, offshore renewable energy development is one of the key drivers behind concerns over ocean space allocation. The ODP is being used by a diverse array of stakeholders and the public during the permitting and leasing phases of offshore wind energy projects to better understand the implications of this new use of the Mid-Atlantic Bight.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Scott Glenn A Decade of Offshore Wind Energy Research supporting the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Abstract: The Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) recently celebrated 30 years of continuous ocean observing in the Mid Atlantic. Through technology transitions enabling scientific discovery, student education, and service to New Jersey and the nation, RUCOOL has developed and continues to operate a regional-scale ocean observing network that includes: (a) ground stations for satellite data acquisition, (b) a High Frequency (HF) Radar array (40 stations covering 1000 km of coast) for surface current mapping, and (c) a fleet of autonomous underwater gliders for sustained subsurface physical, biological and chemical observations.
Over the last decade, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) has supported RUCOOL research that leverages New Jersey’s vast ocean observing capabilities to inform the development and operation of a regional high-resolution atmospheric model. The Rutgers version of the community Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model more accurately accounts for the local ocean conditions and outperforms standard national products in offshore validation studies. The combined observation and modeling system has been used to study (a) the seasonal climatology and variability of the offshore wind resource, (b) the impact of coastal upwelling on seabreezes in the offshore wind energy development areas, and (c) the co-evolution of the atmosphere and ocean during intense hurricane forcing.
The NJBPU project currently includes three topic areas supporting State offshore wind initiatives: (a) engagement with the offshore wind community to better determine information needs, (b) sustained operation and validation of the RUWRF forecast model to assemble a long-term resource database, and (c) offshore wind energy research topics of interest including the impact of coastal processes on the daily variations in the wind resource, as well as the wake effects of simulated wind farms on the downstream windfields.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Kevin Lyons NJEDA Offshore Wind Port Purchasing Disparity Study Abstract: During the period July 6–September 15, 2020, Dr. Lyons, the Rutgers Business School Public Private Community Partnerships (RBS-PPCP) and faculty and from Supply Chain Management and graduate students (the Rutgers Team) conducted a comprehensive purchasing disparity study for the development and construction of the South Jersey Off-Shore Wind Port Manufacturing Facility. This research project and report are called “disparity studies” because they determine if there is a disparity between the utilization and availability of minority, women, veteran, LGBT-owned firms in the awarding of major construction contracts. Dr. Lyons and his team were contracted by NJEDA to assess potential disparities between the participation and availability of minority, women, veteran, LGBT-owned businesses across the commodity and professional services categories that could be part of the bid, purchasing and contract process for the New Jersey Wind Port Project. Our goal was to provide data analytics and information that NJEDA will use to refine ordinances, regulations, policies and purchasing processes to aggressively cultivate, build the capacity, competitively bid, and award contracts with minority-, women-, veteran- and/or LGBT-owned businesses (“MWVLOBs”) (directly and through its contracted representatives – via tier-level contracting). As a result of this research, the contracts awarded to diverse suppliers has surpassed the goals set by NJEDA and has provide significant opportunities for diverse business and workers to be a part of New Jersey’s ‘green economy!’ This session will provide insights into the disparity research study, the current progress on the New Jersey Wind Port Manufacturing Facility and Dr. Lyons’ efforts to develop the most comprehensive supply chain system and robust diverse and inclusive economy for offshore wind for New Jersey.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Fernando Pareja-Roman Effect of Coastal Upwelling on Air-Sea Interaction and Offshore Wind in New Jersey Abstract: The variability of the offshore wind resource depends largely on air-sea interaction processes related to the exchange of heat and momentum. In this study we explore the effect of coastal upwelling on winds in the marine boundary layer in New Jersey, as well as potential implications for wind energy.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Serpil Guran Rutgers WindIgnite, Offshore Wind Supply Chain Development: Challenges and Opportunities Co-authors: Lori Dars and Margaret Brennan-Tonetta
Abstract: Offshore wind development has very strong national, regional and statewide development targets. The US has a goal to deploy 30 gigawatts OSW energy by 2030, which would support 77,000 jobs, 10 millions homes and cut 78 million metric tons in carbon emissions. New Jersey’s offshore wind goal has several steps as to achieve 3,500 megawatts by 2030 and 7,500 megawatts by 2035. Additionally, the new EO #307, increases New Jersey’s offshore wind goal by nearly 50 percent to 11,000 megawatts (MW) by 2040. These ambitious goals express that we have challenges, but also great opportunities. The OSW goals can successfully be delivered on time only with a strong supply chain infrastructure from design to manufacturing, installation and operation and maintenance of the turbines. The OSW development is strong in Europe and elsewhere, where the supply chain already exists and is well founded. The OSW supply chain is not at the same maturity in the US and quick and efficient transition is needed. Acceleration of the development of local supply chain will require efficient planning, collaboration, cooperation, outreach and education so that the local exiting businesses can translate their existing expertise to new industry and its emerging supply chain ecosystem. The Rutgers WindIgnite Program positions itself to serve as an accelerator program to provide support to underrepresented small business and start-ups to achieve this transition. Rutgers WindIgnite will utilize a network of resources to assist new and existing OSW energy supply chain technology companies to successfully maneuver the innovation pathway. This pathway includes discovery, concept assessment, business model assessment, technology verification, scale-up and commercialization to support emerging offshore wind industry in New Jersey and Mid-Atlantic Region. The ultimate goal is to provide a solid network for supply chain industry growth and to maximize the economic development impacts that it can generate.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Travis Miles Interactions and Overlap between the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Abstract: The Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool is a seasonal mass of cold bottom water that extends throughout the Mid-Atlantic Bight (MAB). The Cold Pool forms from rapid surface warming in the spring and dissipates in the fall due to mixing events such as storms. The Cold Pool supports coastal ecosystems and economically valuable commercial and recreational fisheries along the MAB. Offshore wind energy has been rapidly developing within the MAB in recent years. Studies in Europe demonstrate that existing wind lease areas can impact seasonal stratification; however, there is limited information on how MAB wind development will affect the Cold Pool. Seasonal overlap between the Cold Pool and wind lease areas in the Southern New York Bight along coastal New Jersey was evaluated using a data assimilative ocean model. Results highlight overlap periods as well as a thermal gradient that persists after bottom temperatures warm above the threshold typically used to identify the Cold Pool. These results also support cross-shelf variability in Cold Pool evolution. This work highlights the need for more focused ocean modeling studies and observations of the Cold Pool and MAB wind lease area overlap.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Farhad Angizeh Impact Assessment of Energy Storage and Offshore Wind Integration within NJ Electrical Grid Abstract: In this presentation, we will go over our in-house developed framework that enables impact assessment of energy storage systems (ESS) and offshore winds (OSW) integration within the New Jersey electric grid following the state’s ambitious energy targets. The proposed framework aims to quantify the integration impacts of ESSs and OSWs through a set of key performance indicators (KPIs), including economic, environmental, and technical/engineering value factors. The KPIs are designed to aid decision-makers in identifying economically/environmentally viable and operationally feasible ESS and OSW integration plans considering the New Jersey BPU targets of 2,000 MW of ESSs by 2030 and 3,500 MW and 7,500 MW of OSWs by 2030 and 2035, respectively.
The proposed framework uses publicly available electric grid infrastructure and power generation portfolio data, as well as high-granular electric demand projections estimated/forecasted by leveraging our built-in module that extracts county-level data from the publicly available EDC-level data. The model computes the “best” power generation/storage mix to balance supply and projected demand based on pricing and cost estimations/projections.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Grace Saba An Autonomous-based Oceanographic and Ecological Baseline to Inform Offshore Wind Development Over the Continental Shelf Off the Coast of New Jersey, Northeast U.S. Co-authors: Josh Kohut, Kira Lawrence, and Reneé Reilly
Abstract: With offshore wind construction scheduled to begin in coastal New Jersey over the next year, it is critical that oceanographic and ecological baseline monitoring is taking place and considers time scales of natural variability from seasons to years. Additionally, it is imperative that we test the potential for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) platforms, including gliders, to augment or replace historic vessel-based oceanographic and fisheries surveys in wind construction locations. We have initiated a comprehensive “ecoglider” program that will provide a baseline dataset of necessary oceanographic and ecological parameters to inform the responsible development of offshore wind, and provide valuable information relevant to ongoing environmental and ecological change in this productive ecosystem. Over the course of two years, we will conduct a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of Slocum gliders, AUVs that collect high-resolution data at various depths throughout the water column. Deployed gliders will include a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously map oceanographic and ecological variables from phytoplankton to marine mammals, including water depth, temperature, salinity, pH, optical properties including chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen. Ecological sensors include a passive acoustics sensor for marine mammal monitoring and detection, multi-frequency echo sounders for active acoustic detection of pelagic fish and zooplankton, and acoustic telemetry receivers to track tagged species moving through the region. A third glider will be deployed to fill gaps between seasonal deployments and enhance temporal presence during the life of the Cold Pool, an ecologically important mass of cold remnant winter bottom water that persists from spring to fall in this region. Example data products will include mapping seasonal trends in ecologically relevant oceanographic parameters in wind energy lease areas and exploring overlap between oceanographic features and distribution of fishes and marine mammals and between marine mammal predators and their prey.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Edward DeMauro Active Flow Control for Wind Energy Abstract: Active aerodynamic flow control is a tool that can be used to manipulate a flow on demand, at times even taking advantage of inherent flow instabilities to achieve a favorable result. Being active, flow control can be turned on and off when necessary. Modern unsteady techniques like synthetic jets and dielectric barrier discharge actuators can achieve flow manipulation without the need for compressed airlines and can operate on existing turbine blade shapes. By issuing a jet normal to the surface of blade, improved aerodynamic performance is achievable, which can have direct benefits for wind energy generation.
For this brief overview, I will quickly go over synthetic jets and their applications to bluff body aerodynamics, which was performed specifically with a focus on wind power generation within an urban environment. I will further provide examples of work being currently performed at Rutgers to implement synthetic jet actuators into radio-controlled airplane. Finally, I will close with a brief summary, including work performed by colleagues within our department involving dielectric barrier discharge actuators.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Daphne Munroe Modeling Interactions Among Commercial Shellfish Fishing and Wind Energy Abstract: The lucrative shellfish fisheries operating on the Northeast U.S. continental shelf are highly vulnerable to impacts from offshore wind energy development because of the overlap of large areas proposed for wind energy and fishing grounds, limitations to access for bottom-tending gear towed by large vessels, and the high value of the landed product. The economic impacts of future offshore wind farms on these fisheries are evaluated using a modeling framework that integrates spatial dynamics in stock biology, fishery captain and fleet behavior, federal management decisions, and fishery economics. The simulations implemented with the model consider the impacts of proposed wind array configurations on the fisheries that result from anticipated vessel responses to array and turbine locations and responses of stock population dynamics to changing environmental conditions. The simulations are constrained by stock assessment data and detailed input from industry advisory teams about fleet and captain behavior. The model will also be implemented to project responses and consequent impacts on the fishery resulting from stock range shifts, as may occur with climate warming, rotational closures, and management changes. The simulation results provide understanding and identification of the costs to these shellfish fisheries and their surveys produced by displacement or changes in fishing activity due to wind energy and a warming climate.This information is critical for industry and fishery managers to assess approaches for mitigating interactions between commercial fisheries, the growing offshore wind industry, and changing environmental conditions.
Rutgers University Offshore Wind Energy Symposium – Lightning Talk | January 12, 2023 Zhiziong (James) Guo Microcapsulated and Doped Phase-Change Materials for Energy Storage and Related Applications Abstract: I will briefly introduce our recent research work on enhancing heat transfer and increasing functions via micro encapsulation and doping of phase-change energy storage materials. Energy storage is an important part of renewable energies. To use energy efficiently is to store and manage it. Energy storage also reduces the discrepancy between energy supply and demand as well as plays a vital role in saving of energy by converting it into other reliable forms. Thermal management is critical in high-power devices. Phase-change material paraffins are commonly considered in thermal energy storage and management systems. Disadvantages such as low thermal conductivity, low thermal stability, and leakage may prevent paraffins in practical applications. Encapsulation and additives could resolve these issues.
Rutgers Cooperative Extension Annual Conference | December 14, 2022 Josh Kohut, Douglas Zemeckis What’s Happening With Offshore Wind Off New Jersey? OSW LBIF | April 18, 2022 Josh Kohut, Joseph Brodie Perspectives on Offshore Wind and the Environment from a Local Oceanographer and Meteorologist IFISSH 2022 | February 14, 2022 Josh Kohut, Joseph Brodie Fisheries Oceanography and Atmospheric Science OSW Pinelands Preservation Alliance | February 10, 2022 Josh Kohut An Oceanographer’s Perspective on Offshore Wind Energy and Our Ocean Planet OSW JCNEER | February 9, 2022 Josh Kohut Underwater robots help inform the deployment of offshore wind MTS | October 5, 2021 Jaden Dicopoulos Weather Research and Forecasting model validation with NREL specifications over the New York / New Jersey Bight Stockton University for the New Jersey Environmental Lobby | October 5, 2021 Travis Miles An Oceanographers Perspective on Offshore Wind and the Mid Atlantic Bight Cold Pool Time for Turbines | Jan 27, 2021 Joseph Brodie Technology for Understanding Offshore Wind and the Environment Graduate Student Thesis Defense | Dec, 2020 Sarah Murphy Mid Atlantic Bight: Coastal Upwelling & The Offshore Wind Environment MARACOOS Online Webinar | May 1, 2020 Josh Kohut, Joseph Brodie Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Energy Update Wind Energy Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst | Feb 20, 2020 Joseph Brodie Offshore Wind Interactions with the Atmosphere and Ocean Environment Big Data, AI & Blockchain, Business Network for Offshore Wind, Boston, MA | Sep 12, 2019 Joseph Brodie Combining Observations and Modeling to Improve Wind Resource Assessment Time for Turbines, Atlantic City, NJ | August 16, 2019 Joseph Brodie Ocean Observing, The Environment, and Offshore Wind 2019 Rutgers Energy Institute’s (REI) 14th Annual Energy Symposium, Rutgers University, NJ | May 8th Scott Glenn The Power of Partnerships: Offshore Wind Energy, Environmental Awareness, and Shared Economic Success 2019 International Partnering Forum, New York, New York | April 10, 2019 Travis Miles, Scott Glenn, Joseph Brodie, Josh Kohut NJ Offshore Wind Resource Modeling: The Power of Partnerships AMS Annual Meeting Phoenix, AZ | January 8, 2019 Joseph Brodie, Dana Veron, Travis Miles, Brian Frei, Eric Allen Utilizing Climatological Analysis to Improve Forecasting of Offshore Wind Ramps -
Rutgers University Marine Field Station (RUMFS). Research and education facility located in the Mullica-Great Bay that has been operated by Rutgers since 1972. It is equipped with dry analytical laboratories, flow-through sea water laboratories, a marine railway, dive locker, docks and office space. This site also hosts atmospheric monitoring equipment operated and maintained by the Rutgers University Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (RUCOOL) described in detail below. RUMFS has five small vessels (15-24 ft) and two larger vessels. The R/V Rutgers, a 36’ Munson research boat, is used as a mobile lab. This vessel was delivered with a US Coast Guard COI and is rated for 20 passengers and 2 crew members. Outfitting includes a Universal Sonar Mount (USM) for use with their Rio Grande Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler, fore and aft davits, side boarding door, 5kw generator, and a Garmin 1040xs radar/plotter/sounder. The large cabin is equipped with A/C, forced air heat, a head compartment, and multiple workstations. The vessel is approved for operations funded by Orsted. The R/V ARABELLA is also operated out of RUMFS, which is a 48 ft. (14.6 meter) fiberglass research vessel built in 1996 by Duffy and Duffy Custom Yacht, Brookline, Maine. Designed for nearshore operations (i.e. coastal to 50 miles offshore), the vessel is capable of supporting a wide range of scientific needs such as trawling, grab sampling, diving, seismic profiling, coring, AUV operations, etc.
Haskin Shellfish Laboratory operates facilities located in Port Norris in Cumberland County, an operational shellfish research farm in Green Creek, and a state-of-the-art shellfish hatchery and nursery facility on the Cape May canal in Cape May County. The lab’s locations are embedded within the shellfish fishing communities which are anticipated to have large vulnerability to impacts from overlap of fishing grounds and OSW lease areas. The Port Norris facility is a 19,000 sq. ft. facility on the Maurice River, a tributary of Delaware Bay. It has 8 well-equipped laboratories for investigations on ecology, microbiology, histopathology, physiology, cell culture, molecular diagnostics, biochemistry, molecular genetics and cytogenetics. Research laboratories are furnished with a variety of microscopes, including an image capture/analysis system, histological processing equipment, laminar flow and UV hoods, automatic gene sequencers (ABI 310 and Beckman CEQ 8000), several thermal cyclers, an MJ real-time PCR system, several DNA and protein gel electrophoresis and detection systems. The laboratory operates a 24 ft. Privateer with a semi-enclosed Delaware Cabin. Additional facilities include meeting rooms, a large seawater wet laboratory, cold rooms, algal culture facilities, docks and a dormitory. The research farm in Green Creek, is located on the shore of Delaware Bay, and has an adjacent intertidal oyster farm, a hatchery and algal culture facility, labs, running seawater, offices, and dormitory space. The hatchery facility in Cape May is located on the Cape May canal. The Cape May facility has 22,000 square feet of interior wet lab space with running filtered and raw seawater, large algal culture capacity, three large laminar flumes, and capacity for large-scale shellfish seed production.
The Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, located at Rutgers-New Brunswick is home to the Center for Ocean Observing Leadership (COOL) which is the premiere ocean observing program in the world with expertise in satellite remote sensing, shore-based radar sampling, and marine robotics. The RU COOL Offshore Wind team develops and advances the science that informs decision-making around offshore wind, both at the state and national level. Ocean Gliders: COOL operates a fleet of autonomous underwater Slocum gliders that acquire ocean data and deliver it to shore via satellite in near real-time. Glider payloads can acquire data on ocean temperature, salinity, conductivity, depth, waves, currents, sediment, oxygen, pH, nitrate, phytoplankton and ocean optics, zooplankton and pelagic fish biomass, whale locations, and tagged fish/mammal locations. WIth Support from state, federal, non-profit, and private companies these gliders are currently being used to perform environmental assessments in wind lease areas off NJ. HF-Radar Surface Currents: COOL operates a CODAR HF-Radar network centered on the NY Bight. Hourly data publicly available on our web site includes surface currents along the entire NJ and Long Island coasts up to 90 miles from shore, and wave heights up to 20 miles from shore along NJ. Meteorological Station: A Coastal Metocean Monitoring Station, located adjacent to the Rutgers Marine Field Station in the Mullica-Great Bay, includes temperature, winds, pressure, precipitation, dew point and a SODAR site that acquires winds up to 200 meters. The met site includes a 12 meter tower as well as lower mounting points and surface space for new atmospheric observation platforms. Atmospheric Forecast: COOL runs a daily, real-time version of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (RUWRF) allowing for the continuous development of a database of the modeled offshore wind resource. Partnering with Rutgers Extension: COOL also collaborates with wind energy developers, including Atlantic Shores and Orsted Ocean Wind on projects to better understand and protect the offshore environment. COOL does extensive outreach to and discussion with all offshore wind stakeholders through their Partners in Sciences workshops, focus groups and webinar discussions.
The Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist (ONJSC). Organized within the NJ Agricultural Experiment Station, the ONJSC provides climate services to meet the needs of stakeholders and decision makers throughout the state. In addition to providing weather and climate expertise, the ONJSC operates the Rutgers NJ Weather Network (NJWxNet). The NJWxNet is a constellation of over 60 weather stations, each providing real-time observations of wind, temperature, precipitation and other atmospheric variables, some for more than 15 years. This mesonet currently includes approximately 20 stations at or within several miles of the coast.
Rutgers EcoComplex located in Columbus, NJ, is a nationally recognized clean energy innovation business incubator with a 30,000 square foot facility with labs, offices and tech scale up areas. It is dedicated to moving inventions from the lab to successful real-world applications and to promote New Jersey as a center for clean energy innovation and enterprises. Available resources include: access to faculty and on-site engineering expertise with high tech analytical equipment; technology scale-up and verification capabilities with specialized environmental facilities (indoor and outdoor); offers the WindIgnite program providing business development assistance and mentoring, and access to entrepreneurial networking forums and workshops funded by Atlantic Shores, offshore wind developer; office and lab space at competitive rates and flexible terms; and is a designated “Soft Landings” program by the International Business Incubation Association for foreign clean energy businesses that need assistance to enter the US market and locate in New Jersey.
Rutgers WindIgnite is an accelerator program that provides support to underrepresented small businesses and start-ups in the offshore wind energy supply chain. Utilizing a network of resources, they assist these companies to successfully maneuver the innovation pathway. This pathway includes discovery, concept assessment, business model assessment, technology verification, scale-up and commercialization. Their focus is on the New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic Region, with an ultimate goal to help businesses grow in order to strengthen and diversify the supply chain and maximize economic development impacts.
Rutgers Center for Energy Storage Research located at Rutgers New Brunswick-School of Engineering, is a technically diverse applied research group of faculty, research staff, students who conduct the research, development and advancement of new energy storage devices enabled by advancements in materials science.
Rutgers Center for Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis located at Rutgers New Brunswick – School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, manages the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean. The Portal is an online toolkit and resource center that consolidates the best available data on ocean resources and human use information and serves as a platform to engage all stakeholders in ocean planning from the five-state Mid-Atlantic region—putting all of the essential data and state-of-the art mapping and visualization technology into the hands of the agencies, industry and community leaders to make informed management decisions.
Laboratory for Energy Smart Systems, Rutgers Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) located at Rutgers New Brunswick School of Engineering, focuses on advancing scientific and engineering foundations for planning, designing, and operational optimization of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and Demand Side Management. Initiatives that contribute to Rutgers Wind include: developing advanced load forecasting models for optimization and control applications; investigating sizing, locational, and operational optimization of DER and micro-grids, with applicability to large-scale grids; building modeling tools for wind farms; fuel cell, geothermal, combined heat and power (CHP) and other forms of generation; along with electric vehicles and energy storage. This includes an ongoing extensive 3-year study on energy storage, fuel cell and CHP, and design validation of micro-grid initiatives in New Jersey funded by NJ BPU.
Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station and Rutgers Cooperative Extension. NJAES provides a diverse range of research, extension, and education programs that serve the people of New Jersey. Included under the NJAES is Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) which brings the wealth of knowledge from the University out to local communities in all 21 counties through science-based education programs. NJAES and RCE are uniquely positioned to conduct research and deliver educational programming to address the needs of a diversity of clientele during the development of offshore wind energy, including issues related to fisheries, coastal resource management, environmental stewardship, and economic and workforce development.
Advanced Materials and Structures Laboratories (AMS Labs)– located in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, Busch Campus in Piscataway. AMS Labs specialize in the design, characterization, modeling, and lifecycle response of composite materials used for extreme environments, including aerodynamic loads, impact conditions, buckling, vibrations, and corrosive environments. AMS Labs have developed computational tools and experimental expertise in the design optimization of wind turbines, platforms, and support structures. The labs have unmatched capabilities on optimized material selection depending on extreme environments, multimodal damage, and fracture models to predict operational life span and service intervals. AMS Labs have developed sophisticated hybrid algorithms (physical models coupled with artificial intelligence) to make informed decisions, with a limited number of experimental and test data, for material and structure optimization, collection of data, and assessment of structural response and damage. The Laboratories’ prowess includes, but is not limited to, laminated (such as used in wind turbines), random architecture composites (polymer and metallic), and nanostructured materials. Finally, in collaboration with the newly installed (Spring 2023) wind wall in the Buehler Aerospace Lab in Weeks Hall and several wind tunnels in the Mechanical and Aerospace Department (both facilities located on Busch campus), we investigate novel materials and damage initiation and evolution to assess life span of structures under aerodynamic loads and extreme environments.
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering (MAE) Wind Tunnel – Engineering Building, Rutgers New Brunswick. Wind turbine rotor aerodynamic and aeroelastic experiments are conducted in a closed-circuit low-speed tunnel with a 71 cm × 51 cm test section. This tunnel is an Eiffel type tunnel with a contraction ratio of 10:1, and a maximum flow speed of 72 m/s. The wind tunnel experiments are also automated with a separate/dedicated NI cDAQ data acquisition system. The system is designed and programmed to automate the entire tunnel including fan velocity, angle-of-attack, and three multi-purpose voltage outputs. The major instrumentation include, but not limited to: 1) six VICON cameras, 2) a six-axis high-sensitivity load cell from AMTI to measure forces (lift, drag, side), and moments (roll, pitch, yaw), 3) two high-accuracy differential pressure transducers to measure the tunnel flow velocity at different locations, and 4) a single-point laser displacement sensor from MTI on a motorized traverse from Velmex.
Buehler Aerospace Laboratories, Weeks Hall, Rutgers New Brunswick. This is a state-of-the-art facility for collaborative and interdisciplinary work on the design, manufacturing, and testing of aerospace systems. The room has a 42′ x 33′ floor space, and is approximately two story high. Catwalk around the perimeter of the room allows for observations. There are eight VICON Vantage V5 cameras with custom 5 Megapixel sensors capable of 420 FPS full frame capture. The laboratory also houses a dedicated Dell HPC workstation to run the VICON system, and for data acquisition, and data storage. In addition, dedicated mechanical and electrical tools, a battery charging station, and work benches and stools are also included in the space. The laboratory is equipped with pressurized air, hot and cold water, and high-voltage supplies.
The Smart Systems Laboratory, Engineering Building, Rutgers New Brunswick. Model-scale wind turbine fabrication and diagnostics take place in a fully dedicated and fully equipped laboratory space. The laboratory hosts all equipment necessary for the model-scale experiments involving the mechanical and electrical domains, and for the pre-experiment activities such as fabrication and calibration.
Gas Dynamics Research Lab, Engineering Building, Rutgers New Brunswick.The experimental aerodynamics research team at Rutgers is equipped with the following diagnostics equipment: (1) Photron Fastcam SA-Z camera with a pixel resolution of 1025 x 1024 pixels at 12-bits; the maximum frame rate is 2.1 million frames per second at a binned resolution, and a minimum exposure time of 159 ns; (2) LaVision Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry with a 200 mJ/pulse, double-pulsed, 15-Hz Nd:YAG laser and a pair of SCMOS 2560 x 2160-pixel, 16-bit cameras; (3) ATI Delta 6-component load cell with maximum loads of 660 N and 30 N-m; (4) ISSI High-Speed pressure-sensitive paint with a response of 20-kHz. Additional resources include LabVIEW cDAQ, Kulite pressure sensors, and a pair of SRS DG-535 Digital Delay Generators.
HPC Cluster, Engineering Building, Rutgers-New Brunswick. The core of the School of Engineering computing consists of the computerized instructional labs and high performance computational (HPC) linux cluster. DSV and EIT instructional computer labs have 110 desktops equipped with AMD Ryzen 7 8 Core 4.7 GHz CPUs, and 32 GB of RAM. The desktops are running Linux and Windows 10 operating systems, and have the engineering applications installed, including compilers, Matlab, Comsol, Ansys, Siemens NX, SolidWorks, Tecplot. SOE HPC linux cluster hardware is based on combination of nodes with Intel Sandy Bridge 2670, Ivy Bridge 2670v2, Broadwell 2680v4, and AMD Epyc CPUs, and 128 GB of RAM per node for most of the nodes. There are 86 nodes in the cluster available for general use. There are also 60 nodes dedicated to several Engineering research groups. The nodes are interconnected over FDR 56Gbit infiniband and Gbit networks distributed cluster file system, BeeGFS, is available for parallel multi-node simulations. Software installed on the cluster includes compilers, OpenMPI, LAMMPS, Gromacs, Gaussian, Matlab, Comsol, CUDA.
US Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competitions
- RU Wind Collegiate Wind Competition presentation by Anjali Viswanathan and Saranya Guttikonda, Rutgers University. Presentation given at the January 12, 2024 A2OSW Symposium.
- RU POWER Collegiate Wind Competition presentation by Katherine Moreira and Zachary Soricelli, Rutgers University. Presentation given at the January 12, 2024 A2OSW Symposium.
Student Organizations
- Marine Technology Society, New Jersey Student Section presentation by Joe Gradone, Rutgers University. Presentation given at the January 12, 2024 A2OSW Symposium.